BPH Treatment on Long Island

What is BPH or Enlarged Prostate?

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, commonly known as BPH, is a common condition affecting men. BPH is more commonly known as enlarged prostate. As men age, it is common for their prostate to continue growing larger. This can often cause issues between age 50 and 60, and beyond.

You don’t have to live with the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. For men on Long Island, board-certified urologist Dr. David Peters is here to help. Dr. Peters has extensive experience accurately diagnosing and effectively treating BPH, and will work to find the best treatment option for you. Give us a call at (516) 758-8600 or request an appointment through our secure online form.

Why does BPH Need to be Addressed?

BPH involves the enlargement of the prostate gland, a small organ located just below the bladder. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that produces fluid for semen. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.

When the prostate enlarges, it can compress the urethra, leading to various urinary symptoms. While BPH is not cancerous, it can lead to bothersome symptoms.

Symptoms of BPH

As the prostate enlarges and puts pressure on the urethra, the added pressure typically results in problems of the urinary system such as:

  • A frequent and powerful urge to urinate
  • Straining during urination
  • Accidental release of urine (urinary incontinence)
  • A weak stream of urine
  • Trouble starting to urinate
  • Stopping and starting the flow of urine several times when urinating
  • A constant feeling of fullness in the bladder
  • Presence of blood in the urine
  • Recurring urinary tract infections

To contact Island Men’s Health about your intense urinary discomfort, please call (516) 758-8600 for an appointment right away. In extreme circumstances, the urethra can become totally blocked, which will cause severe complications if not treated as soon as possible.


We Can Help

Many men will continue to deal with their symptoms and adjust their life accordingly. This often means taking more bathroom breaks, especially all throughout the night.

Not only does this ruin your chances of getting a good night’s rest, but it can also have negative effects on your overall health since BPH can quickly lead to a bladder infection or kidney damage. BPH can also impair your overall quality of life, as you will likely miss many moments while running back and forth to the bathroom.

The best way to take full advantage of your life is to discuss your symptoms with Dr. Peters to determine which course of treatment will be best for you and your unique case of BPH.

To diagnose BPH you can expect:

  • A discussion about your medical and health history
  • A digital rectal exam (DRE) to examine the size and condition of the prostate
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test to measure PSA levels that can be elevated in BPH or point to other conditions

Treatment for BPH

The treatment approach for BPH depends on the severity of symptoms and your overall goal. We have a variety of options including medications, minimally-invasive procedures, or surgery.

Some of the more popular treatments we offer for BPH include:

Implants are placed to hold the prostate aside and allow the urethra to remain open and pass urine freely from the bladder. This procedure is typically done in-office and requires a catheter for one day post-op.

More on UroLift

An in-office procedure that utilizes water vapor to break up lesions in the tissue of the prostate to allow urine to pass through more easily

Performed with an open lower abdominal incision or robotically with small laparoscopic incisions. This is performed on rare cases in men with very large prostates, but not for prostate cancer.

It is an endoscopic surgical procedure option for an enlarged prostate and it is the gold standard of all BPH surgery. It is a same-day procedure, typically done in-office, and requires a catheter for two days post-op.



A minimally invasive surgical option for urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate, performed as an in-office procedure.

Aquablation is a minimally invasive in-office procedure that utilizes advanced robotics and image guidance to precisely remove excess prostate tissue without using heat.

Reduces blood flow to the prostate to reduce its size by placing a tiny catheter and injecting fluid to block the blood going to the prostate. Prostate artery embolization (PAE) is offered by an interventional radiologist, not by a urologist and it is generally considered an alternative option for nonsurgical candidates and intractable prostate bleeding, but not the mainstay of BPH treatment.

Schedule Your BPH Consultation Today

While BPH is not a life-threatening condition, the impact on quality of life can be significant. We can help you decide which treatment option will be best for you.

If you’re struggling with BPH symptoms on Long Island, contact Island Men’s Health today to schedule a consultation with board-certified urologist Dr. David Peters. Give us a call at (516) 758-8600 or request an appointment through our secure online form.